User talk:Connor Mead

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***** Incorrect translating *****

It's great that you're translating the wiki to another language, but you need to link the pages properly, or else people won't be able to navigate between different translated pages.

On the French page, this needs to be at the bottom:

[[en:PAGE NAME]]

This makes it so when someone is on the French page, they can click a link on the left to go back to the English page.

On the English page, this needs to be at the bottom:

[[fr:PAGE NAME]]

This makes it so when someone is on the English page, they can click a link on the left to go to the French page.

You only seem to be linking it one way, or sometimes neither. Please ensure you link pages BOTH ways. Thanks.

Smithy 23:49, 30 January 2014 (UTC)

Response to "Incorrect translating"

Kilou: Ok smithy, i'm gonna apply this now ^^

Language link order

Sorry to be annoying again, but could you also keep the language links in alphabetical order please, for example:




Always keep 'en' (English) at the top though on foreign pages, as it allows people to easily get back to the original.

Thanks, Smithy 13:51, 31 January 2014 (UTC)
