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Xtent, who?

Some of you might not know me, or do know me. It's both possible, so i will introduce myself a little bit. My name is Mike, i am pwning you guys from my home in The Netherlands. That is that little country at Germany and Belgium for the ones who do not know it. I am playing the GTA Multiplayers since 2003, started on MTA:VC 0.2 and also played MTA:VC 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, VC:MP and ofcourse SA:MP. Besides of this i am one of the members from the Majestic Twelve [XII]. Or better said. I am one of the 2 founders.

Majestic Twelve

Like i said already, i am the founder of the Majestic Twelve, together with Furi0uz. The Majestic Twelve is not like the most clans, cause the most clans do not survive several `game` switches, but we did. Since MTA:VC 0.3 (Year 2003) we are keeping it dangerous on our own publics but even more on our privates with clanmatches. Since the start of the clan we signed up for alot of leagues and we won several and did end up in the finales several times. Though, enough people do not know the Majestic Twelve, sure they know some of our team like Azer and Wacko, but ofcourse they ain't the whole team.

General Information

Majestic Twelve Website:
Majestic Twelve IRC:
Contact address:
[email protected]