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This will be a little biography about me.

I first joined SA:MP back in around late 2009, I mostly played on random servers that I found on the hosted and internet lists.

Then I joined SACnR for a while, then I moved to Crazybobs CnR and stayed there for a while, then I moved to SA:RP and stayed there until early 2012 when I got banned for "stealing" their rules, when I didn't even do that at all, they had no evidence and yet they still banned me, tells you something doesn't it?

After that, I moved between multiple servers, started my first server known as "Supercool RP", which failed because I had no experience and I was mass-recruiting admins at that time and my English sucked at the time.

Then I applied to join LS:RP, after a few attempts I got accepted and then I started RPing there for a while, then I moved between US:RP and NG:RP, worst decision ever so I moved back to LS:RP for a while, then I started another server called "Downtown RP", but it failed (again), then I moved back to LS:RP, then recently I got myself a proper income and by now I had experience as an admin and I decied to buy a server from Smartbytes Hosting and I called the server "Saints Life RP" but I closed it because of money issues, now I play on LS:RP full time now and I am a member of the San Andreas Sheriff's Department.
