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I am from India, and my real name is the same as my nickname. I found out about SA-MP in 2007, and have obsessively played SA-MP till 2009, when I joined the forums to become a spammer (my post to reputation ratio is 9:1) , playing only occasionally now.


I can code. I am a CS student. The languages I can code in are C++, PAWN, VB6, ASM8085, PHP, SQL, HTML & CSS (Do they count?), LUA, JAVA and other outdated languages. The LOGIC is ALWAYS the same, the syntax differs, so do not be even one bit impressed by that list!


It is the sacred animal of my country, and I love them.

Why are you always online?

I have holidays. I am a freak when it comes to perception. I always want my image to be presentable, and I keep on editing my posts till even hours after.


You can contact me on the forums. I don't add you on skype unless I know you, because stealing a person's IP is very easy on there.

Do you script for money?

Yes, I do, look here for details.
