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Real Name: Pascal Klein

Hi! I write programs since I got facinated by computers in the late 90's when I was just around 9 years old. My jurney begins with MICROSOFT BASIC and goes over to TURBO BASIC over TURBO PASCAL when I arrived at C++ before 4 years. Starting to learn C++ seriosly began as I explored the world of microcontrollers and robots which use them. Fast efficient software could be written in C++. I also started modding games in early ages (remember GTAIII multiplayer, uhh buggy ;) and when it came to SA-MP I got frustrated by the mad gamemodes on the servers and their writers. So I decided to make a server a more professional way.. Now I'm developing a complete gamemode in a multithreaded plugin with postgres database backend and a webfrontend for configuring the server is also developed by myself. I wont release anything to the wide public before it's not ready.

But we still search people who can do simple stuff! Just contact me ICQ:103994605
