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@Drebin: I am English, I know what I'm talking about when it comes to grammar. It's bad practise (IMO) to say 'you' in a wiki article. It makes it 'personalized' which it shouldn't be.


The object you want to destroy vs The object to destroy

The latter is more 'professional'.

Smithy 20:27, 22 April 2012 (CEST)

If you wanted to remove the "you" in every article, you would have to edit of the wiki articles. Also, "The ID of the object to replace the texture of with text" doesn't seem quite correct for my understandings. That's why I changed it. Neither of us write perfect articles, so it's worthless to correct things over and over again for minor things that are quite unimportant. However, I will heed your criticism and try to create further articles more neutral.

Well, if I do see 'you' in an article I do change it. Smithy 00:19, 23 April 2012 (CEST)
