Talk:NetStats ConnectionStatus

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Found the following list of game states in an old screenshot. Was testing anti-cheat with "that hack". Needs confirmation. Status 8 seems to be the main "connected" status.

Status Status? Binary?
Await Join ? 0
Gamemode Restarting ? 1
Wait Connect ? 2
Connecting ? 4
Connected 8 8

--Vince (Talk) 20:55, 29 January 2014 (UTC)

Smithy 22:05, 29 January 2014 (UTC):

The only values I can confirm are:

-1 - Not connected 8 - Connected

There seems to be some sort of bug though. If a player times out, their connection status stays as 8. It only gets set to -1 if they quit or get kicked. I assume this is a bug.

I could not get ANY other values except for -1 and 8 (connected and not connected). I tried pausing, timing myself out, kicking myself etc. but nothing. Surely this function isn't equivalent to IsPlayerConnected?

This is the script I used for testing:

Oh and I checked the 'GMX' status too using a filterscript - it was still 8 then. Turns out this function is completely useless?

Unsure if related, because the enumerator doesn't match at all: --Vince (Talk) 22:12, 29 January 2014 (UTC)
But even if we knew the connection statuses - only the 'connected' status can be gotten, because if the player isn't connected (e.g. 'connecting' status or 'pending' or whatever) they don't have a player ID, because they aren't connected, so this function seems a bit pointless. Smithy 22:32, 29 January 2014 (UTC)