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Smithy 16:00, 14 March 2013 (CET):

Regarding this note:

Important Note: If the gamemode is changed after this function has been used, the markers will NOT reappear!

I have a feeling that they may re-enable for newly connected players (what with the function being clientside). I will test this later unless someone beats me to it.

Meta 18:55, 14 March 2013 (CET)

Please test this too:

Note: This function will only work if it has been used BEFORE a player connects. It will not remove a connected player's markers.

As I remember it IS working for already connected players but I'm not sure.

Smithy 20:12, 15 March 2013 (CET):

Just tested it, I was right. The markers are disabled when a player connects (if the server has them disabled) and can't be re-enabled after, so the only solution is to reconnect.
