Talk:Creating A Simple Administration FilterScript

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Point of defining filterscript?

What's the point of using #if defined FILTERSCRIPT?
It serves really no use when starting from a blank file (not the new.pwn). Filterscripts will work without this line as well.

--Vince 22:31, 30 July 2010 (CEST)

Undefined num_hash

Please help me! I've followed all this steps, but I have 3 Errors in PAWNO:

E:\ALEX'S~1\GTASAN~1\SAMPSE~1\FILTER~1\admin.pwn(113) : error 017: undefined symbol "num_hash"
E:\ALEX'S~1\GTASAN~1\SAMPSE~1\FILTER~1\admin.pwn(133) : error 017: undefined symbol "num_hash"
E:\ALEX'S~1\GTASAN~1\SAMPSE~1\FILTER~1\admin.pwn(176) : error 017: undefined symbol "num_hash"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
3 Errors.

Please help me fast!

Weirdosport: you need to add #include <dutils> at the top (you must also download dutils)

gCommands and gSettings


C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(33) : error 017: undefined symbol "gSettings"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(34) : error 017: undefined symbol "gSettings"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(35) : error 017: undefined symbol "gSettings"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(36) : error 017: undefined symbol "gSettings"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(37) : error 017: undefined symbol "gSettings"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(67) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(68) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(69) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(70) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(71) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(72) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(73) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(74) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(75) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(76) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(77) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(78) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(79) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(80) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(81) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(82) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(83) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(84) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(85) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(86) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
C:\GTA-SA MP\Server\filterscripts\Admin.pwn(87) : error 017: undefined symbol "gCommands"
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
26 Errors.

[Samoht81]: Can anybody help me/us.

Mike: Godfather?

[Samoht81]: What you mean?

Mike: Are you using Godfather? ._.

[Samoht81]: No,this is in pawno, i get this errors in pawno.

Weirdosport: You need to ensure the new gSettings bit comes before the OnFilterScript init.

Undefined symbol "GetPlayerId"


Nobody has yet commented on this error, but I thought i'd save people the effort. In the Akill dcmd command, the function "GetPlayerId" is used. This is not a standard function, and I am assuming it is part of some include/stock not mentioned in this tutorial. The error looks something like this:

C:\Location\samp02Xserver.win32\filterscripts\NameOfScript.pwn(line number) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerId"

I would personally solve this problem by using sscanf, which automatically checks if the values entered after the command are integers or strings etc. I don't think it is explained either that a triadic operator is used (the weird ? : things).
