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Image:Farm-Fresh text lowercase.png Note: This function name starts with a lowercase letter.


This function can be used to unpack a string.

(dest[], const source[], maxlength = sizeof(dest))
dest[]The destination string to save the unpacked string in, passed by reference.
const source[]The source, original packed string.
maxlength=sizeof stringThe maximum size to insert.

Return Values:

The number of characters packed.

Example Usage:

new string[17];
new pstring[17 char] = !"Hi, how are you?";
strunpack(string, pstring);

Related Functions

The following functions may be helpful as they relate to this function in one way or another.

Any functions here can also be found on the Old scripting functions page.

  • ispacked: Check if the given string is packed.
  • strpack: This function can be used to pack a string.
  • strcmp: Compare two strings to see if they are the same.
  • strfind: Search for a substring in a string.
  • strtok: Search for a variable typed after a space.
  • strdel: Delete part/all of a string.
  • strins: Put a string into another string.
  • strlen: Check the length of a string.
  • strmid: Extract characters from a string.
  • strval: Find the value of a string.
  • strcat: Contact two strings into a destination reference.
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