SA-MP Wiki:Translating

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This is a short guide on how to translate pages.


Find a page to translate

The first step to translating a page is to find a page that needs translating in the first place. Clicking 'Random page' on the left is a good way to find pages. To check if a page needs translating, add your country code to the end of the URL, like so:


This is the French translation of the SetPlayerPos page.

If you selected 'Random page' and got 'SetPlayerPos_FR', change the 'FR' to your country code, for example RU for Russia. If there was no country code (just 'SetPlayerPos'), then add your country code, for example _RU for Russia.

If the page exists, you will see it. If it doesn't, a translation is needed.

Translated pages that are linked to but not translated are listed here.


Simply copy all the contents from the English page, paste it into the page that you are translating (with the country code). You can then proceed to translate the text. Function names, parameter names etc. should NOT be translated, because the SA-MP API is in English.

Links and templates must be in English with a country code on the end. The suffix for pages should start with an underscore, for example GetPlayerPos_FR. Templates should ideally use the same format, but most of them don't use an underscore, for example Template:ScriptingFR instead of Template:Scripting_FR.
For the categories, if the page gonna be visited like Category:Mathematical_Functions_FR, use an underscore.
Else, like Category:FunctionTemplatesFR, don't use an underscore. The {{Scripting}} template looks like this:

Can be shown in French using {{ScriptingFR}}, like so:


Before saving a page, preview it (click the 'Show Preview' button at the bottom of the edit page) to check it looks okay. Some templates may have been mis-linked. Once happy, save it.


Translated pages must be manually linked with each other in order for people to even know they exist. For this example, lets say we are translating pages to French (FR). First, go to the English page. On the left side of the page you can see which languages have been linked, like so:


If you go in to edit the English page and look at the bottom, you can see the linked pages, which looks like this:


French (FR) is already linked, but if it wasn't we'd add it. Try to keep the links in alphabetical order.

If we then go to the French (FR) version of that page, we can see more linking:


The fr: link has been replaced by the en: link, this is because the EN page linked to the FR page, then the FR page links back to the EN page. This must be done for every version of a page. Always keep English at the top, as it is the main language.

Here is what the linking would look like on the NL and RU pages:





Please note that not all languages can be linked, so if you are unsure if the language is available, click preview first before saving the page!

Currently, SA-MP Wiki only supports a few languages for interwiki link, below is known list.

Interwiki Prefix Language
en English
de Deutsch (German)
es Español (Spanish)
fr Français (French)
hu Magyar (Hungarian)
nl Nederlands (Dutch)
pt Português (Portuguese)
pl Polski (Polish)
ru Русский (Russian)
cs Česky (Czech)
ko 한국어 (Korean)
zh 中文 (Chinese)

If you are still unsure about linking, at least make sure you link with the English version. It's nice to have each version linked with each version though. Every page should be linked with every page, excluding itself. Don't link, for example, the FR page to the FR page.


Thanks for helping to translate the SA-MP wiki. If you're still unsure about anything - ask. Or check pages that have been translated to see what they did.
