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Image:Farm-Fresh text lowercase.png Note: This function name starts with a lowercase letter.


Reverses a string, needed for hash.

(const source[])
const source[]The string to reverse.

Return Values:

The reversed string.

new string[MAX_STRING];
format(string, sizeof(string), reverse("Hello")); // string = "elloH"
format(string, sizeof(string), reverse("This is a test")); // string = "tset a si sihT"

Related Functions

The following functions may be helpful as they relate to this function in one way or another. l

  • firstchars: Extract the first characters from a string
  • lastchars: Extract the last characters from a string
  • left: Extract all characters from a string, which are left of a character
  • right: Extract all characters from a string, which are right of a character
  • strmid: Extract a range of characters from a string