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Image:Farm-Fresh text lowercase.png Note: This function name starts with a lowercase letter.


Outputs a formatted string on the console (the server window, not the in-game chat).



This function doesn't support packed strings.

(const format[], {Float,_}:...)
format[]The format string
{Float,_}:...Indefinite number of arguments of any tag

Return Values:

This function does not return any specific values.



The format string or its output should not exceed 1024 characters. Anything beyond that length can lead to a server to crash.

Format Specifiers

Specifier Meaning
%i Integer (whole number)
%d Integer (whole number).
%s String
%f Floating-point number (Float: tag)
%c ASCII character
%x Hexadecimal number
%b Binary number
%% Literal '%'
%q Escape a text for SQLite. (Added in 0.3.7 R2)

The values for the placeholders follow in the exact same order as parameters in the call. For example, "I am %i years old" - the %i will be replaced with an Integer variable, which is the person's age.

You may optionally put a number between the '%' and the letter of the placeholder code. This number indicates the field width; if the size of the parameter to print at the position of the placeholder is smaller than the field width, the field is expanded with spaces. To cut the number of decimal places beeing shown of a float, you can add '.<max number>' between the '%' and the 'f'. (example: %.2f)

See this post to see how you can specify a variable width or precision by using an asterisk.

Example Usage:

new number = 42;
printf("The number is %d.",number);  //-> The number is 42.
new string[]= "simple message";
printf("This is a %s containing the number %d.", string, number); //-> This is a simple message containing the number 42.
new character = 64;
printf("I'm %c home",character); //-> I'm @ home

Related Functions

The following functions may be helpful as they relate to this function in one way or another.

  • print: Print a basic message to the server logs and console.
In other languages