How to make spawn colors

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Welcome to this small tutorial about setting colors for spawned players.


Saving which class the player selects

To set the color to a certain one (e.g. a team-color), we need to save which class has been selected by the player. We can achieve this by a new global variable, which is just for the purpose of saving the class that is selected on the spawn-selection-screen.

new pClass[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Stores the player's class

Adding some classes

Of course, you need some classes to set the colors for, we're just adding those two:

public OnGameModeInit()
    AddPlayerClass(106,2512.8611,-1673.2799,13.5104,87.7485,0,0,0,0,0,0); // Class 0
    AddPlayerClass(107,2508.1372,-1656.6781,13.5938,129.4222,0,0,0,0,0,0); // Class 1
    return 1;

Saving the player's class

When we want to set the color upon the color later, we need to find out what class has been selected.

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
    // With this you save the chosen class number into pClass[playerid]
    pClass[playerid] = classid;
    return 1;

Changing the players colour on spawn

Based upon the class we selected and saved before, we're now going to set the color for the class.

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    // First we need to determine what classid a player spawned with
        case 0:
            // If the player's class is 0 then set it to Orange
            SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFF6600AA); // Orange
        case 1:
            // If the player's class is 1 then set it to Red
            SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFF0000AA); // Red
    return 1;