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Calls a public function from the script in which it is used.



CallLocalFunction crashes the server if it's passing an empty string.

(const function[], const format[], {Float,_}:...)
function[]Public function's name.
format[]Tag/format of each variable
{Float,_}:...'Indefinite' number of arguments of any tag

Return Values:

The value that the only public function returned.

Format Strings

Placeholder Meaning
a Passes an array (the next placeholder should be d or i for the array size, so the function will be aware of it).

NOTE: It accepts only one dimension, so a trick like sizeof (array) + sizeof (array) * sizeof (array[]) for the array size would be needed to pass a 2D array.

c Passes a single character.
d, i Passes an integer (whole) number
x Passes a number in hexadecimal notation.
f Passes a floating point number.
s Passes a string.

The values for the placeholders follow in the exact same order as parameters in the call.

forward callMe(const string[]);
public  callMe(const string[])
    printf("callMe> %s", string);
    return 1;
CallLocalFunction("callMe", "s", "OHAI THAR BAGPUSS!!11");

Related Functions

The following functions may be helpful as they relate to this function in one way or another.

In other languages