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Attach an object to a player.

(objectid, playerid, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ)
objectidThe ID of the object to attach to the player.
playeridThe ID of the player to attach the object to.
Float:OffsetXThe distance between the player and the object in the X direction.
Float:OffsetYThe distance between the player and the object in the Y direction.
Float:OffsetZThe distance between the player and the object in the Z direction.
Float:RotXThe X rotation between the object and the player.
Float:RotYThe Y rotation between the object and the player.
Float:RotZThe Z rotation between the object and the player.

Return Values:

This function always returns 0.

Example Usage:

new myobject;
myobject = CreateObject(19341, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
AttachObjectToPlayer(myobject, playerid, 1.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 2);

Related Functions

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