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This function was added in SA-MP 0.3.DL R1 and will not work in earlier versions!


Adds a new custom character model for download. The model files will be stored in player's Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\cache under the Server IP and Port folder in a CRC-form file name.

(baseid, newid, dffname[], txdname[])
baseidThe base skin model ID to use (behavior of the character & original character to use when download is failed).
newidThe new skin model ID ranged from 20000 to 30000 (10000 slots) to be used later with SetPlayerSkin
dffnameName of the .dff model collision file located in models server folder by default (artpath setting).
txdnameName of the .txd model texture file located in models server folder by default (artpath setting).

Return Values:

  • 1: The function was executed successfully.
  • 0: The function failed to execute.



useartwork must be enabled first in server settings in order for this to work

Example Usage: Using artconfig.txt

AddCharModel(305, 20001, "lvpdpc2.dff", "lvpdpc2.txd");
AddCharModel(305, 20002, "lapdpd2.dff", "lapdpd2.txd");

Example Usage: Pawn Script

public OnGameModeInit()
	AddCharModel(305, 20001, "lvpdpc2.dff", "lvpdpc2.txd");
	AddCharModel(305, 20002, "lapdpd2.dff", "lapdpd2.txd");
	return 1;


There are currently no restrictions on when you can call this function, but be aware that if you do not call them inside OnFilterScriptInit/OnGameModeInit, you run the risk that some players, who are already on the server, may not have downloaded the models.

Related Functions

The following functions may be helpful as they relate to this function in one way or another.

